Meet 100 YARDS team member, Hanna Lamb!

Hanna started out at 100 YARDS as a “CMO”—running accounts and working across teams to bring our clients to market. Since the beginning, she has worked with the team on operational improvement and later shifted to focus almost exclusively on content strategy across 100 YARDS’ clients.

What is your favorite project or initiative that you have contributed to during your time at 100 YARDS so far?

Hard to choose just one! 

I’ve enjoyed growing our content strategy as new technologies, voices, behaviors (and more) shift quickly. It’s pushing us to think shorter, smarter, bolder, and brighter—right alongside our clients. 

And by far my favorite client story is this: 

We have worked with a niche-y financial services-focused platform for many years. During that time, we worked with leadership to… 

  • Execute on a full turnaround

  • Achieve marked growth (getting them to a winner’s position)

  • Scaled marketing (to bring in more leads—and close more deals)

  • (Ultimate win!) Sell to a larger, complementary company (to deliver value to original investors and global resources to a platform that had more than proved product-market fit was there)

Through all of it, our mandate likewise moved swiftly across marketing infrastructure analysis and set-up, go-to-market planning and execution, a re-brand, investor relations / management presentation prep, and transaction communication. 

A full-service marketing mandate if ever I heard of one! Fabulous. 

How has your role evolved since you joined 100 YARDS, and what milestones have you reached along the way?

I started out with deep corporate and executive communications expertise, lots of executive, turnaround, and change strategy work. 

…But very little true marketing experience. I had also spent much of my career working with big, known corporate entities and their leadership teams; not so much on the growth side of things. 

I was itching to learn something new, expand my own experiences, and stretch my creativity and problem-solving skills in the growth space.

I started out here at 100 YARDS as a “CMO”—running accounts and working across teams to bring our clients to market. 

Since then, I’ve worked with the team on operational improvements, flexed my creative and operational muscles where our clients have needed it, and shifted to focus almost exclusively on content strategy across 100 YARDS’ clients. 

What skills or lessons have you learned that have helped you succeed in your role?

I’ve had to refine my ability to broker communication. No one does well operating on assumptions. 

And: There is a difference between moving quickly (for results) and moving too fast (breaking too many things). It’s critical that we keep our eye on the former, and mitigate the latter. 

Can you describe a challenge you faced—and overcame—while working here?

There are challenges every day, be they technological, interpersonal, or something else. We work through them as they come. It really is as simple as that. 

—Oh, and I don’t do witch hunts. Ever. Put another way: it can feel tempting to search endlessly for “whose fault is it?” when something goes south. Know when that answer is truly important, and when (90% of the time) it’s more important to move forward and fix what cracked. Save all that time, energy, and interpersonal capital for wins, instead of losses.  

What’s a quote or motto you live by?

Live life like it’s a giant improv game: always start with ‘yes and.’ You’d be shocked by how much can be accomplished when you resist the urge to list all the reasons why something would never work, and at least entertain the possibilities of what’s in front of you, has been proposed, or is floating out there. 

And: respect the fact that almost nothing is as simple as it seems. Embrace nuance, but don’t get bogged down by noise posing as detail.  

If you could describe your experience at 100 YARDS using only emojis, which ones would you choose?

🔥 💡📈 🎨 🚀

All right. 100 YARDS is all about balance. Right brain / left brain… work / life… 

So that got us thinking… 

Are you a right brain or left brain?

Uh… is it possible to be a center brain? Seriously, I’m probably more left-brained, though… my right brain absolutely fires at will. 

Introvert or extrovert?

I absolutely read Quiet. Highly recommend to all the people everywhere. Pretty sure it’s stood the test of time. So with that in mind I’m… an outgoing introvert. 

You can spend the afternoon at a museum, a ballet, a play, a symphony performance, or the opera. What do you choose?

Tough call!!!! A play–I love a good story unfolding before me. 

You can have breakfast with Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Elmo, or Grover. Who do you tap to join you for that coffee and croissants? 

Damn. I basically DO have breakfast every morning with three-ish Cookie Monsters, so I’ll go with Grover: his ideas are great if mis-guided.
Fun fact: I named my only dog Grover. He was unbelievably mischievous and cute. Coincidence? I think not.  

Drive or fly?


What’s for dinner: Mexican, Italian, or French? 


You can only say one word for the next year. Is it “STOP!” “THINK!” or “GO!”?

Ha. The philosopher in me says “THINK!” The practical side of me says “GO!” I’m feeling optimistic today so I’ll “GO!” with “THINK!”

Rock, Paper, or Scissors? 

I’ll never tell. 

A creature bites you and gives you superpowers. Is it a spider, a bird, an octopus, or a poison tree frog?

Octopus: camouflage + multi-tasking turned up to 11 (err… 8). Bonus points to anyone who gets the reference.

Trail bike ride or Peloton?

I suck on bikes. So I will always go Peloton. Don’t ask about my favorite instructor—it’s a moving target. 


Thank YOU!